America Is a Nation of Idols
On November 18, 2021, while worshipping the Lord and praying in other tongues, I heard the faint rumblings of a Lion roaring in the distance. Upon hearing the sound, an anointing flooded my being, and the Holy Spirit pulled me into the spiritual realm. The roars continued in the other dimension, one after another, thundering more loudly each time. Looking down from the elevated position that the vision provided, I could see that the roars were coming from the same colossal Lion I had seen before.
As I did in my other vision, I instinctively knew this was Jesus, the Lion of Judah. Within His atmosphere-shaking roars the words “You have lost. We have won!” again sounded. He was speaking and decreeing directly to the enemy, Satan himself, and to his legions of demonic cronies. The Lion was giving them notice.
Also, as before, stretched out in front of the Lion were thousands upon thousands of His righteous warriors. They were born-again men and women, including you and me, who picked up the mantle of the army of God to war in His name and walked in their rightful authority. They were putting down the enemy while building up God’s kingdom. As the Lion’s roars and words entered the backs of these warriors, they declared in unison with their leader, “You have lost. We have won!” The words shot from their mouths as spiritual vibrations that became rolling waves of power.
Standing in front of the righteous army in a half-circle formation were about twenty or so tall, statue-like idols made of wood, stone, gold, and other inanimate materials. Strangely, the face of a demon appeared on the face of each idol. Although the idols were not made of living materials, each had a living face peeking out from its head. My mind instantly went to 1 Corinthians 10:20, where the apostle Paul told new Gentile believers that sacrificing to idols meant sacrificing to demons (the enticing influences and spiritual powers behind idolatry) rather than God.
Looking into the faces of the idols, I discerned that they were ancient spirits that had been lurking for thousands of years and were now reinserting themselves into present societies and cultures. As this understanding came to me, the idol spirits spoke. “Civilizations throughout time have worshipped us,” they snarled and sneered. “America and the nations of the earth will bow before us again.”
I couldn’t determine who all the spirits were, but I sensed the presence of Baal manifesting as a Jezebel spirit in America. Two things were certain: they were all antichrist in nature, and all were highly seductive. Yet no sooner had they spoken than the sound waves hit them, the sound waves from the vibrating words of the Lion’s army, shattering the statues and their control and deception.
It was then that the righteous warriors shifted from speaking in a single voice to speaking in their individual languages. Still, they remained curiously in sync as one army. Although a variety of heavenly languages were being spoken, by the Spirit I could discern at least five distinct types.
One was the language of warfare, with warriors binding, loosing, and confronting various evil spirits. The authority in their voices was palpable as they spoke of strategies for future battles.
Simultaneously, I heard languages of worship and praise being offered unto the Lion, who could destroy the enemy’s works. Songs filled the atmosphere and soothed it with the fragrances of hope and power.
The third type of language was one of creativity for building God’s kingdom. Its words were constructing destinies and speaking divine plans that brought into manifestation righteousness, deliverance, healing, and salvation.
The fourth type was angelic language communicating with and helping the warriors in the tasks the Lion had assigned them. The angels engaged in building the kingdom and the destinies of God’s children on the earth.
The fifth type involved languages of the Word. The righteous warriors spoke the Word of God in various dialects, reciting extensive portions of Scripture. Curiously, the Word came out of their mouths as a living presence. The Lion’s army launched God’s Word into the atmosphere with its self-fulfilling power to accomplish what was spoken.
While pondering these things, I heard the voice of the Lion asking, “Who can stand against me?” Then, He declared, “All will fall before the terrible presence of the Lord. And that presence is in the hearts and mouths of My warriors. My army shall do valiantly. There is a time coming when evil will be put down, but until that time, My army shall resist it.”
The Lord showed me the intensity of the battle for America. We can define many fronts where unrighteousness has increased in our nation. However, the Lord defined idolatry as the major one. We are a nation of idols. The good news is that the vision contained the prophetic promise that the Lion’s army could cause the idols’ influence to crumble. Remember, you cannot kill a spirit, but you can exercise authority over it and diminish its control.
To learn more about Mike Thompson’s new book, The Lion’s Army, visit MyCharismaShop.com