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Dr. Michael Youssef calls new FX show about the Antichrist a sign of the coming end times

Dr. Michael Youssef calls new FX show about the Antichrist a sign of the coming end times

Bestselling author Youssef’s new book, ‘Is the End Near?,’ details deterioration of modern world — and the hope found in Christ 

ATLANTA — Christians everywhere are outraged at the Disney-owned network FX’s new show titled “Little Demon.” The cartoon-styled show features a woman who is impregnated by Satan and gives birth to an Antichrist daughter. Even the previews and commercials are incredibly graphic, with nudity, violence, witchcraft, and gore. While the show is geared for adults, many parents are rightfully concerned that the demonic content will be seen by their children.

Dr. Michael Youssef’s latest book, “Is The End Near?,” walks Christians through Jesus’ depictions of the end times in Matthew 24 and 25. Youssef’s examination of these bible chapters looks at everything from the four dimensions of judgment to catastrophic events that could trigger unprecedented turmoil. These are very real events that could — and will — take place at the end of the age, and Youssef calls for believers to watch for the signs… and be prepared. The book is available for preorder now.

Regarding the Antichrist, Youssef warns Christians to be on guard for the clear signs. “We will experience the acute suffering of witnessing the Antichrist’s blasphemies and abominations,” Youssef writes. “We — the body of Christ, the temple of the Holy Spirit — will undergo the agony of witnessing this loathsome creature, the Antichrist, exalting himself above God, demanding the worship of the world. We will even experience the unspeakable grief of seeing friends and loved ones bowing down in submission to this satanic monster.

“History has seen many lesser antichrists. Various popes and kings and leaders have been suspected of being the biblical Antichrist, especially those who seem murderous, ambitious, and self-glorifying — Napoleon Bonaparte, Hitler, Stalin, Saddam Hussein, and Osama bin Laden, to name a few. It almost seems as though Satan keeps selecting one wicked man after another to practice on until he is finally able to mold and shape his perfect man of sin.”

Regarding the introduction of the Antichrist in modern entertainment, Youssef continues, “As we approach the climax of human history, we can expect to see an increase in many forms of blasphemy such as this. We, the living temple of the Holy Spirit, will witness the desecrating actions of ‘lesser antichrists’ again and again —leading ultimately to the biblical Antichrist, who will commit blasphemies and abominations we cannot even imagine now. This will be an agonizing experience for all who truly love the Lord Jesus Christ and long for His return.”

The acceptance and humanization of the Antichrist is a sign that the end times are nearer than anticipated. While circumstances are getting more difficult as the world enters into the birth pains of the end times, Youssef encourages readers to hold fast to hope, looking to the future with joy as they anticipate reuniting with Christ once and for all.

“Now, before you hide under your bed in fear, I hasten to tell you — do not be afraid,” Youssef writes in “Is the End Near?”. “The book you hold in your hands is not intended to frighten you, but to encourage you and give you hope and magnify your joy.”

Instead of being fearful of the events to come, Youssef inspires readers to share the Gospel with others so they can be a light to those who are afraid. Christians don’t have to fear the end times. “This book is a must-read because it will encourage you. It will lift you up — it will make you look up, not down,” Youssef says.

Dr. Michael Youssef, who has traveled around the world 67 times, was born in Egypt and lived in Lebanon and Australia before coming to the United States and fulfilling a childhood dream of becoming an American citizen. He holds degrees from Moore College in Sydney, Australia, and Fuller Theological Seminary in California, with a Ph.D. in cultural anthropology from Emory University. Youssef has authored more than 50 books, including popular titles like “Jesus, Jihad and Peace,” “Hope for This Present Crisis,” and “Saving Christianity?” 

Equipped with a deep understanding of the Bible, the Middle East, sociological trends in the Western world, and important Christian worldview issues, combined with his own personal experiences growing up under a socialist dictatorship, Dr. Youssef is a sought-after voice whose expertise is regularly requested on both secular and Christian media. This includes invitations from Huckabee, Fox & Friends, The Eric Metaxas Radio Show, The Hugh Hewitt Show, The Christian Post, FOX News, Hannity, Glenn Beck, The 700 Club, and more. He and his wife reside in Atlanta and have four grown children and 11 grandchildren.

For more information on Dr. Youssef’s newest book release, Is The End Near?,” visit The book is available for preorder now.


To interview Dr. Michael Youssef and to receive a review copy of Is The End Near?,” contact, Beth Harrison, 610.584.1096, ext. 105, or Deborah Hamilton, ext. 102.

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