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  • When Jesus Met a Gangster
    March 1, 2024

    When Jesus Met a Gangster

    The old, Hispanic church building on Wilshire Boulevard was only a few minutes away, but it felt like miles. Walking on the sidewalk nearing the building’s parking lot, I began noticing people I‘d seen around the neighborhood. All the while,...

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  • What If God Is Real?
    February 23, 2024

    What If God Is Real?

    As I was growing in the gang, my sister was living her own life. She had her own friends. She was focused and strong, smart, studious, and beautiful. Guys in the neighborhood around us would call out to her, sweet...

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  • How My Father’s Secret Altered My Life Forever
    February 9, 2024

    How My Father’s Secret Altered My Life Forever

    As a very young boy sheltered from my parents’ troubles, I thought our home was filled with love. Carefree with a full stomach, I was wrapped up in playing soccer, going to school, watching my favorite cartoons, and just doing...

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  • God Turned My Crazy Life Upside Down
    February 2, 2024

    God Turned My Crazy Life Upside Down

    God Turned My Crazy Life Upside Down. If you peer closely into my eyes, you will see they reflect both deep pain and, ironically, deep peace. Just below my right eye, I have a tattoo of the tres puntos, the...

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