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The Reality of Alien Abductions

The Reality of Alien Abductions

As I stated earlier, there are some people in the Christian community who insist that none of this is really taking place. What evidence do they offer that the abduction phenomenon is all in a person’s head or demonic delusion? After decades of being in the field and doing research, that kind of statement to me is so disingenuous; it maligns the witnesses, which is exactly what the Christian community does not need. The abduction phenomenon is all too real, and it links directly back to the Genesis 3:15 narrative, which talks about the seed war.

All of the abductees that we interviewed in our film were able to stop their abductions by coming to Jesus and calling out to Him. This is the way to get out of the phenomenon. I will tell you another story that is chilling.

There was an elder in a church who called me several years ago. He was a standup guy, a real straight shooter, walking where he should be walking with the Lord. One night, he was awakened and found himself paralyzed, and just like every other abductee I have ever spoken to, he was levitated and was moving toward the wall of his bedroom. He was between the bed and the wall, floating about three feet above the floor. He knew he was about to get sucked through the wall. He cried out to Jesus, and instantaneously like a rubber band being snapped back, he found himself back in the bed. His experience was not delusional. He called me the next day in great distress, wondering why this had happened to him. I talked with this man for several hours and concluded that there was nothing in his life that would’ve opened the door to this dark-side activity. But these entities came in any way to try to take him. They were unsuccessful because this man cried out to Jesus, and it stopped the abduction.

What did Jesus say about the last days? Jesus warned us that it would be like the days of Noah when He returns. This is why the correct interpretation of Genesis 3:15 is critical. I cannot stress this enough; I cannot repeat it enough here.

It is that paramount to what is going on in today’s world. Why would Jesus warn us that it would be like the days of Noah? What differentiates the days of Noah from every other time in history is, in my opinion, the presence of the fallen angels mixing their seed with the seed of men and creating a hybrid entity known as the Nephilim. Fallen angels came and took wives, plural; I wrote about this in my book, Countermove: How the Nephilim Returned After the Flood.

They—the fallen angels—do it over and over and over again. Why? They are trying to corrupt the seed. They are trying to corrupt the bloodline. In Noah’s day, they were trying to make sure the seed coming from the woman—the Messiah, the protoevangelium—did not manifest, so they could control the earth.

Then, we get a very enigmatic scripture in the Book of Daniel. But before I tell you the scripture, remember the angel who appeared to Daniel told him to seal up the words in the book until the time of the end.

If we were to trace world history from that time, which is roughly 2,500 years ago, civilization made little progress until Gutenberg’s printing press. This paradigm-shifting invention meant that—for the first time—the common man could read the Bible for himself. But the angel that appeared to Daniel told him this: many will run to and fro over the face of the earth, and knowledge will increase (Dan. 12:4). Until Gutenberg’s printing press, progress was pretty much flatlined. From the days of Gutenberg until the Industrial Revolution, it was a slow, steady, upward curve. Finally, knowledge did explode. As I write this, people are roaming to and fro over the face of the earth via jet airliners, and now knowledge increases exponentially.

Daniel 2:43 says, “‘They will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another.’” Who are “they”? Obviously, it’s not the seed of men; it has to be something else. When I asked the late Chuck Missler this question on camera in our Watchers series, he stated without hesitation that the Dragon, Satan, is outnumbered two to one, and he is creating an army. Why is it so hard for Christians to wrap their heads around what is really going on? It’s right there in our Bibles. All we need to do is open its pages and realize that there is a supernatural dynamic to the biblical prophetic narrative. It warned us about exactly what we are seeing in modernity—the abduction phenomenon and consequent breeding program.

To learn more about L.A. Marzulli’s latest book, Rungs of Disclosure, visit

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