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The Theory of Life on Other Planets

The Theory of Life on Other Planets

If the universe is analogous to the United States, where is planet Earth? Is it in Duluth? Walla Walla? Dallas? Orlando? You see what I mean? We have no idea where Earth is in the expanse of the universe.

The argument presented that we are not alone in the universe goes something like this. With the universe containing thousands of galaxies and innumerable planets, we would be arrogant to think we are the only life or creation.

At first, this seems to make perfect, rational sense. But what if the universe as we see it and know it is a hologram? If that is a true statement, it would explain a lot of what we see in regard to the UFO phenomenon.

Here are some of the reasons I hold to my position regarding the plurality of worlds.

Jesus incarnates here on Earth. Even though C. S. Lewis posits this with his incredible series, Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, and That Hideous Strength, in the end, Jesus came here, not to some other planet in a galaxy far away.

We have scriptures that tell us God will roll up the heavens like a scroll (Isa. 34:4; Rev. 6:14) and create a new heaven and a new earth (Isa. 65:17; Rev. 21:1). Do we take this literally? I do; I have no problem believing in the literal meaning of rolling up the heavens.

Finally, the New Jerusalem descends (Rev. 21:2) into the atmosphere of Zeta Reticuli, right? Of course not! The huge flying craft that descends from another dimension into ours arrives at, you guessed it, planet Earth.

With all of this on our intellectual plates from the biblical narrative, it sums up why I do not believe there is life elsewhere in the universe.

But who and what are these intruders, as Gary Stearman likes to call them? They are, in my opinion, interdimensional entities. They are the fallen ones, the watchers, the ones who left their first estates, the rebels. They can move in and out of our dimension, and they have created the technology to do this.

Former Defense Department official Christopher Mellon appeared with James Fox on Tucker Carlson Tonight to discuss Fox’s new documentary, The Phenomenon. Mellon stated that the metal from crashed UFOs was tested. The results showed the “materials were engineered at an atomic level” and that they were not found on planet Earth.

The implications of Mellon’s statement change everything—we have scientific proof that the metal did not originate on planet Earth. This immediately raises all sorts of questions: Where did the metal come from? Who are the beings that created the metal? Can we duplicate this metal?

Now that we have this information, we know that we are not alone. But this still doesn’t mean we are being visited by entities from another world. They are the ancient ones that we read about in Genesis 6.

To learn more about L.A. Marzulli’s latest book, Rungs of Disclosure, visit

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