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The Truth Is Right Under Our Noses

The Truth Is Right Under Our Noses

Investigative journalist and author Ross Coulthart asked Nat Kobitz, former director of U.S. Navy science and technology development, “Are you able to confirm to me that the U.S. has been trying to develop recovered alien technology?”

Kobitz’s response was, “Yes, I can say that’s so.”

How many times do we have to hear the same thing before we realize that something is happening right under our noses? We better take notice. I was speaking to someone on the phone a few days ago about the ongoing revealing of the so-called alien presence. We agreed that the ambivalence amongst the populace regarding the so-called disclosure is unbelievable. It’s like no one cares.

The churches, for the most part, are neither discussing it nor addressing it in any way. This gross lack of discernment and not alerting their congregations to what is going on will come back to haunt them in the days ahead. In my opinion, much of the church has lost its salt; it is more concerned with having people feel good and view themselves positively than warning them of what is right now manifesting all around them. It’s all in the prophetic passages in our Bibles.

Men will faint from fear and anxiety over what is coming upon the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

—Luke 21:26, BSB

…to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

—Matthew 24:24, NIV

The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false.

—2 Thessalonians 2:9–11, ESV

I remember speaking at a church in Alabama. The pastor’s son was sitting in the front row during my presentation, and I could tell that he wasn’t buying what I was saying. As I usually do when giving presentations, I asked the audience, “Please raise your hand if you have seen lights in the sky, UFOs, orbs, entities, or had sleep paralysis.” About a third of the people raised their hands. Shocked, the pastor’s son came up to me after my lecture and said that he expected only two or three people would respond. He was blown away by the percentage of people who raised their hands in confirmation. Even more shocking, this number is consistent when I give lectures: about one-third raise their hands as having experienced these phenomena. With that said, why isn’t the church addressing this?

Even before this ‘whistleblower’ legislation was signed into law, credible individuals were providing Congress information alleging that the U.S. government has recovered extraterrestrial technology. This process began in 2019 when I brought astrophysicist Dr. Eric Davis to Capitol Hill to meet with staff from the Senate Intelligence and Armed Services committees. Dr. Davis, the author of the famous Wilson-Davis memo, provided specific information lending credence to sensational reports that an official U.S. government program is actively seeking to exploit recovered technology that was fashioned by some other species or perhaps advanced AI machines.

—Christopher Mellon

Lieutenant Colonel Philip J. Corso’s book, The Day After Roswell, which was first published in 1997, was sort of a deathbed confession revealing the fact that our government was involved in the reverse engineering of so-called extraterrestrial craft. Bob Lazar stated as much about eight years before Corso’s publication; the early whistleblower’s story has been vindicated. Lazar stated, on the record, that he was involved in back-engineering the propulsion system from a UFO. He also stated that he saw what he termed the “sport model” hovering at a secret military base known as S4, which is part of the enigmatic and mysterious—and by the way, even presidents have never been there—Area 51. How is it that presidents are not allowed to see what’s there? A shadow government is the only plausible answer. “They” have been in control since the 1947 Roswell crash.

When I was threatened in 2016 by a guy from the deep state, the man stated that it didn’t matter who was elected or in the White House. “They,” the agency he worked for, were autonomous. They did what they wanted to do and essentially were accountable to no one.

I’ve never forgotten that conversation.

Lazar worked on the propulsion system. He claimed he was working with element 115. Corso stated that he disseminated material from the Roswell crash site to the private sector, where some of it was back-engineered successfully.

In one of our Roswell films, we show the testimony of Jim and Carolyn Rankin, who stated on the record that Colonel Hill (whom they were taking care of in the last days of Hill’s life) said that the wreckage from Roswell was shipped to Wright-Patterson Field (Wright Field in 1947).

Once again, the powers that be lie, obfuscate, threaten, and are never straight with the public. These people are essentially above the law. They answer to no one. However, I would posit that they have made a Faustian pact, and they don’t know who it is they are dealing with. In the end, these demonic forces will totally control the narrative.

I talk over the following weeks with other anonymous insiders. To protect their identities, I cannot reveal much of the astonishing detail of what they told me but I am left in no doubt that they all assert that the U.S. military, almost certainly the U.S. Air Force, is in possession of retrieved non-terrestrial—alien— technology. Intriguingly, what I am told matches the claims made in the Admiral Wilson memo, that a private aerospace company now exercises control over this alien technology.

—Ross Coulthart

Need I say more? You would think that bombshell statements like this would be talked about from every pulpit in America and beyond. Sadly, this is not the case. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hos. 4:6).

To learn more about L.A. Marzulli’s latest book, Rungs of Disclosure, visit

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