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Welcome to WWIII: The Interdimensional War

Welcome to WWIII: The Interdimensional War

For the rest of the world, the chaos thriving today seems unprecedented and unbelievable. For Christians, however, we have already been forewarned in the book of Revelation of what events and horrors are to occur in End Times. As the signs of the Last of Days continue to appear, we must stay vigilant, remembering that our war isn’t against the worldly flesh; it’s against the satanic spirits (Ephesians 6:10-12).

In Michael L. Brown’s article, “Our Most Powerful Weapons Are Spiritual,” he urges every believer to return to the foundational truth of Jesus Christ: “Everything we do—and I cannot stress this strongly enough—must flow out of this Spirit-first emphasis. If we can keep this balance, then we can see radical change come.” He also calls us to remember who we are fighting: “Do we understand that, ultimately, it is not people we are fighting but demonic powers? That our issue is not so much with a political party or political agenda but with a satanic plan? And do we realize that the devil wants to destroy our ideological opponents as well since he hates every human being with an unfathomable hatred? More importantly, do we realize that Jesus shed His blood for those very people—the ones whose words and actions grieve us so deeply—and that He wants to reach out to them to redeem them, just as He reached out to us? Is that our spiritual perspective?”

In Troy Anderson’s latest and greatest book, The Trump Code, Paul McGuire addresses the war that America has been battling—not a physical one but rather a spiritual one: “America and the world are currently engulfed in the greatest interdimensional war in history. Unlike traditional conflicts, this war transcends the dimensions of our physical senses. Quantum physics, discovered by pioneers like Max Planck, Niels Bohr, and Albert Einstein, revealed that our reality consists of dimensions beyond our perception. String theorists propose that our universe contains at least ten dimensions, most of which we cannot perceive.

From both a biblical and a quantum physics perspective, God exists beyond time and space. The Bible teaches about the spiritual realm, where angels and demons are engaged in a monumental battle for the souls of humanity.

America and the American dream originate in consciousness—in an idea, dream, or vision—which, according to quantum physics, is an electromagnetic frequency projected into our reality from another dimension. These divine streams of consciousness, thoughts, ideas, visions, and dreams are sacred because, as the Bible says, ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish’ (Prov. 29:18, KJV).

The energy that flows from unseen dimensions, creating a thought, idea, vision, or dream, can contain a divine spark. This spark can be perceived as coming from our imagination, energized by God, His Word, His love, or the forces of darkness.

A free America, blessed with freedom of religion, speech, and the press, stems from these divine ideas, inspired by our Creator and reflected in the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

The promise of America—freedom, liberty, justice, and prosperity—has allowed us to spread the good news of Jesus Christ worldwide for over two centuries and to support Israel since its birth in 1948. This promise was birthed in the spiritual realm and projected into our geopolitical reality.

Acts 2:17 says: ‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.’

The attempted assassination of Donald Trump is a pivotal event in understanding the spiritual battle we face.

Trump spoke at the rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on national television, during which multiple bullets were fired at him. I am convinced that this very real assassination attempt was thwarted due to the massive number of prayers for Trump going out day and night. The intent was to ‘blow Trump’s head off, Kennedy-style, live on television,’ but God’s people intervened through spiritual warfare and prayer.

Many mainstream television networks stopped airing Trump rallies live years ago to censor and control his message. However, for some reason, many decided to broadcast this particular rally live. Could it be they broadcast this rally live because they knew an armed attempt on his life was planned and they wanted to televise it?

While some Christians and conservatives are confused, the deep state and globalist elite are not. Trump is their number one target because they see him as the primary threat to their agenda. Following the years of Trump's campaigns, many powerful individuals have openly called for his death, assassination, and imprisonment. This groupthink is not only evil but pathological. These individuals seem to be able to say anything without legal accountability as if their collective calls for his murder and death are protected by people in very high places.”

For more information on Troy Anderson’s newest book, 'The Trump Code,' visit

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