Finding Eve: Discover Your True Identity as a Daughter of God
Find your way to the heart of God, where you will discover all you need to fulfill His purposes for your life.
In Genesis 3 the serpent came to Eve and within moments caused her to think she was lacking something. When she looked at the forbidden tree, she saw that it was pleasant to the eyes, good for food, and had the power to make one wise. Although she already possessed beauty, provision, and an intimate relationship with God, she thought she needed more. So she ate the fruit and lost the comfort and security of the garden because she doubted God. Many women today are falling into the same trap. We allow Satan to convince us we aren’t enough, when in fact we are already complete in Christ.
Finding Eve follows Eve’s journey to find her way back to God’s heart and to discover her true identity as a daughter of God. This book is designed to encourage women who may be facing disappointment, the fallout from bad choices, or the pain of unfilled dreams. It will offer hope and equip them to be all they were intended to be in the kingdom of God.
About the Author
Rita Springer is known for her unscripted, spontaneous worship and has written many popular worship songs such as “Make Us a Prayer” and, most recently, “This Blood.” She has recorded more than seven albums and is part of the worship ministry staff at Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas. Out of her music has grown a passion to mentor and empower women and in 2010 she launched the Finding Eve women’s conference to encourage women to rise up and take their place in the kingdom of God.
Product Details
Publisher: Charisma House (June 4, 2013)
Language: English
Paperback: 240 pages
ISBN-10: 1621360504
ISBN-13: 978-1621360506
Item Weight: 10.4 ounces
Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.6 x 8.25 inches