Awakening the Slumbering Spirit: Move from Lukewarm to Red-Hot by Recapturing the Life God Wants for You
Have you ever longed to do something great for God, but lacked the ability to put “feet” to your longings?
Have you tried to overcome your lack of passion for God or the things of God, but felt harnessed by spiritual lethargy? Do you want to impact your world for God? This book unveils the possibility that your own inner spirit may be slumbering…unfocused…even apathetic because of unresolved spiritual issues. It shows how this can affect your conscience, or hinder you from building and sustaining personal relationships, intimate communication, and devotional life. As you read this uniquely written book, you will find life-transforming principles for allowing the Holy Spirit to awaken your personal spirit and help you learn to walk confidently in the nature and image of Christ.
About the Author
John and Paula Sandford are the founders of Elijah House and are well known around the world for their writing in the areas of family living, inner healing, prophecy, social concerns, human behavior, and theology.
Product Details
Publisher: Charisma House (September 10, 2008)
Language: English
Paperback: 224 pages
ISBN-10: 1599793415
ISBN-13: 978-1599793412
Item Weight: 8.8 ounces
Dimensions: 6 x 0.51 x 9 inches