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A Paradigm Built on Lies

A Paradigm Built on Lies

There is power in the name of Jesus—yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Many modern-day churches don’t speak about spiritual warfare which allows for these devious attacks to occur. In these dark times, we, as Christians, must use our spiritual gifts and weapons to battle the enemy, or else evil will continue to consume us like cancer.

In a recent interview, L.A. Marzulli listened to the story of Jeff, a normal man, who caught on camera a concerning display: “I looked up and we all saw this white, brilliant object that was flashing.” On top of that, he said, “It started immediately zooming down toward us, from about 10,000 to I’d say about 7,000 feet, and that’s when I said, ‘In the name of Jesus Christ by the power of His name, stop.’ And it immediately stopped.” Through UFO/UAP phenomenon, demonic forces are at work.

In L.A. Marzulli’s latest book, Rungs of Disclosure, he exposes the existence of forces within our government that work to obscure the truth of these evil entities: “The weather balloon canard was the official story that was circulated in all forms of media to the American people. The story became accepted as fact, living on unchallenged, and soon the public forgot all about Roswell. But for the Marcels, the story became a lingering wound that never went away; it impacted the family and caused division and embarrassment. One of the reasons we made our two films on Roswell was to help set the record straight and clear Lieutenant Colonel Jesse Marcel’s good name.

However, there was now a paradigm that was set firmly in place, a response protocol that would be adhered to for decades, an ‘official’ response to anyone who claimed to see a UFO.

In other words, in my opinion, the initial report that went out from the Roswell paper had the story correct—a flying disc had crashed on Mac Brazel’s ranch. We now know from years of research that bodies were also recovered. We know from Colonel Hill’s deathbed confession (more about Hill later) that the wreckage was not a weather balloon and that it was shipped to Wright Field.

During the decades that followed, people who claimed to have an encounter with a UFO were labeled as nutjobs and thought to be unstable. Commercial airline pilots would not report seeing them for fear of losing their jobs. The label tinfoil hat was foisted upon anyone who claimed to have seen a UFO. Another term that the powers that be used was, conspiracy theorist. Things changed a bit with the Barney and Betty Hill abduction case, but, for the most part, the topic of UFOs was not something polite society discussed.

Whitley Strieber’s Communion, a book about people being abducted by UFOs, became a bestseller, as did another tome, Abduction by Pulitzer Prize winner Dr. John E. Mack. These were landmark publications and piqued the public’s interest in the UFO phenomenon. However, the official narrative remained, and many people just didn’t talk about UFOs for fear of being thought of as a kook.

There were actually professional debunkers who were employed to debunk any sightings that people reported. One such debunker was Philip Klass. I created a character in my series, The Nephilim Trilogy, that was based on him. If you’ve never seen this guy in action, it’s worth a trip to YouTube to check him out. He has answers for everything. He’s a real pro, the classic disinformation spook.

One of the late Richard Shaw’s favorite quotes, and mine too, is from the film, Men in Black, when they tell the witness the government's explanation for what they saw: ‘Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus.’

In my opinion, there has been a concentrated effort to quash the research into the UFO phenomenon, starting with Jesse Marcel Sr. and going up to 2017, when we got our first rung on the ladder of disclosure. Until 2017, officially there was nothing to see—it’s all swamp gas!

However, the members of the old guard who controlled the narrative have all died, and in my opinion, what we are seeing is the beginning of disclosure that will lead up to the final rung.

The Roswell event framed the way in which the entire phenomenon was handled for decades. At first, the Army and the powers that be told the public the truth, but then twenty-four hours later, they rolled out the bogus weather balloon story. In short, they had it right the first time. The American people were lied to then, and, even now, we see the ongoing Texas two-step, as I like to call it.”

For more information on L.A. Marzulli’s newest book, Rungs of Disclosure, visit

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