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Christianity Isn’t About You; It’s About Him

Christianity Isn’t About You; It’s About Him

Every battle you face is a test of your faith and your knowledge of God. The devil doesn’t want you to know that, because if you do, and you live in the knowledge of God, then your faith will be strong. You have strong faith in a strong God, great faith in a great God. It’s time to tell the devil and his kingdom they are toast. Let me say it again. Every battle you face is a test of faith, and every test of your faith is a challenge to get to know how big God is.

The devil has a new thing going on today, and we’re eating it up. He is using a new weapon right in our faces. We think it’s cute, and no one is addressing it. No one is talking about it. I don’t care; I’m going to say it like it is because I live by the truth of God and not the opinions of people. Many of us—thank God not all of us—are deconstructing our faith. How demonic, how diabolical that is. Deconstructing your faith means deconstructing the knowledge of God in your life so the devil can eat you for lunch. It’s the most demonic, despicable thing happening today in the church around the world. It is satanically engineered; the devil understands that believers are waking up, so he has to fight double overtime, sometimes triple or quadruple overtime, to try to get victory over our lives.

What if I said, “Well, I want Jesus, but don’t put the Holy Spirit in me”? What a joke! How demonic would that be? Really? You’re going to deconstruct your faith because the devil is telling you to do so? You’re deconstructing the knowledge of God in your life? Pastors and leaders are nothing but a joke when they buy into this thing, this idea of deconstruction of faith. It is total hogwash.

We are losing the battle for our souls. The concept of deconstructing our faith is another scheme straight out of the devil’s playbook. We’re really exposing the devil here and now. We’re giving him a beatdown. If you catch this in your spirit, it’s completely over for the devil, his playbook, his kingdom, and his cronies.

We’re building the church today asking people to get to know who they are instead of who God is. If you go into a church that makes it about you—knowing who you are; discovering yourself, your gifts, and what kind of anointing you have—instead of about knowing God and growing in the grace and knowledge of Him, run for the hills. If nothing is said about who God is in the house of God, then it is the house of Satan, not the house of Jesus Christ. Those leaders are deconstructing your faith. And they aren’t stopping there. They want to make you the main focus, delivering messages about how to be a better you, seven steps to this, and twelve steps to that while saying nothing about God. This is the devil at his best. This is demonic. It’s time for us to turn and repent.

I don’t care about me; I care to know God. I don’t lift my hands because I’m worthy; I lift my hands because He’s worthy. I don’t need to know seven steps about me. I need to know about God. If I know Him, then I will know who I am in Him.

Knowing who you are alone is not good enough. It’s not going to lead you to victory on the battlefield or in the dark times. I built my faith on the knowledge of Jesus Christ. I honor God, not me. I wasn’t meant to be somebody; I was meant to know Him. I was created to know Him. The reason I read the Bible is to grow in the knowledge of Him. I worship God, talk to Jesus, and attend a real church—that makes me a winner in Him.

This focus on self comes straight out of the devil’s playbook. When the church is preaching about you and about deconstructing your faith instead of reading the Bible and preaching about the knowledge of God to help you grow strong in your faith, it’s coming right out of the devil’s playbook. Don’t even get me started on another concept straight from his playbook: people getting “debaptized.” People are lining up to debaptize themselves like they line up at Starbucks. We need to know Jesus so the devil can’t use his playbook to kill, steal, and destroy us.

I find my strength in the Lord Jesus Christ. Knowing Him is how we fight our battles. I don’t need to discover me; I only need to know Him. But knowing Him takes time. Growing in the knowledge of God takes time. That’s why the devil tries to steal your time. The Bible talks about “making the most of your time because the days are evil” (Eph. 5:16, NASB). Other translations say “redeeming the time” (e.g., NKJV). When the Bible talks about redeeming or making the most of your time, it’s not because you’re late for work or you’re late to get a donut or coffee. It’s about making time for church, the Bible, prayer, and worship.

To learn more about John Ramirez’s latest book, Exposing the Devil’s Playbook, visit

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