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  • Choosing Your Crew: The Power of Godly Connections
    July 1, 2024

    Choosing Your Crew: The Power of Godly Connections

    We usually choose our friends according to their personalities and packaging—their looks, popularity, and so on. Those are never the qualities you need unless you are in organized crime and are picking a crew based on the gifts and talents...

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  • Surviving the Storms
    June 22, 2024

    Surviving the Storms

    I have seen memes on social media where people say that in this passage Jesus showed us what to do in a storm—sleep. Well, I know firsthand that is easier said than done. Storms will try your faith. You may...

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  • How Much Do You Trust God?
    June 12, 2024

    How Much Do You Trust God?

    In 1980, I loved with two men, neither of which was Marcus Lamb. I had not met him yet, but the Lord would totally set me up. The first of those two men was Jesus. Now when I say that...

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  • How I Found Myself in the Gang Life
    June 11, 2024

    How I Found Myself in the Gang Life

    I had only been in Los Angeles for a short time, and I was already witnessing another beating, this one in a back parking lot of my apartment building. Five gang members were mercilessly beating a young man, reinforcing the...

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  • What Does Christian Service Truly Look Like?
    May 13, 2024

    What Does Christian Service Truly Look Like?

    The Christian life does not really exist without sincere, loving relationships. It would be a loveless faith, which is no faith at all. If Yeshua’s love is in us, then it needs to be displayed not only in our relationship...

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  • What Does It Mean to Draw Near to God?
    May 6, 2024

    What Does It Mean to Draw Near to God?

    Being a disciple of Jesus involves sharing in His ministry on earth. Just as Yeshua came to earth to fulfill the Father’s assignment, so our assignment on earth is to continue the work of Christ. Jesus said to His disciples,...

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  • Have You Fallen in Love with Jesus?
    April 29, 2024

    Have You Fallen in Love with Jesus?

    Hardly anything is better than those first feelings of falling in love. A new—and perhaps unexpected— interest kindles in our hearts. Our emotions and desires are stirred, amazing and even frightening us sometimes. Flutters of excitement cause us to say...

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