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The Return of the Nephilim

The Return of the Nephilim

Even if you are a devoted Christian, there’s one verse in the Bible that seems to slip past our spiritual discernment: Genesis 6. The Nephilim, during the times of Noah, were creatures born between human women and fallen angels. While these hybrids were thought to have gone extinct post-flood, their spirits survived and live on today…

Modern sightings and records show that the Nephilim, the giants of ancient times, may still very well be roaming the Earth. L.A. Marzulli describes these creatures as “part human but soulless.” From the 1990s onwards, there has been a significant rise in appearances, and multiple victims have stated that these “entities are looking for a soul.” Marzulli links these startling stories with the prophecy found in Daniel 2:43: The reality of the seed war between the Dragon and the woman.

In L.A. Marzulli’s latest book, Rungs of Disclosure, he includes a disturbing sighting of the Giant of Kandahar: “Years ago, when Richard Shaw and I were making the Watchers series, Richard was on a podcast talking about his film focused on the Torah codes. The host of the show was taking live-on-air calls, and, at the end of the show, one of the callers remained on the line. The show went off-air, and the host, the caller, and Richard struck up a conversation. The conversation shifted to the Nephilim—the offspring of the fallen angels and the human women of earth. The caller stated that he had been in Afghanistan, and he had been part of a company of soldiers that brought down a giant! Rick was astonished, and after listening to the caller’s story, he got his phone number and email. When Richard got off the podcast, he immediately called me and relayed the story. I was, needless to say, taken aback.

The next day, I called the number Richard gave me, and the caller answered. We talked for a good while, and in that conversation, the caller relayed the events that had taken place in Afghanistan years before. They went something like this: There was a patrol that was dispatched in the Kandahar province of Afghanistan, and they were looking for high-value targets. They missed their rally point and never checked in with base command. The following day, a platoon was dropped off in the same location of the first patrol. The caller was in this platoon, and they began to follow the trail created by the patrol that had gone missing.

They traveled for some time and then found themselves on a large terrace-like outcropping that overlooked the valley below. This is where the caller, whom I now will call the shooter, began to see bone fragments and pieces of what looked like material from the missing patrol. There was also blood on the ground. Above the platoon was a large cave. Suddenly, without any warning, a ‘nightmare’ came out of the cave. It was a fourteen-foot giant with flaming red hair!

The giant was brandishing a large lance. His voice was terrible to hear, and the shooter and everyone else in the platoon were frozen in their tracks. One soldier’s training kicked in, and he began to run toward the giant, firing his weapon. According to the shooter, the giant moved with such incredible speed and agility that the men in the platoon were taken aback. Before anyone could react, the giant impaled the soldier and lifted him above his head, all the while emitting a deafening roar from his huge throat.

The shooter yelled, ‘Shoot him in the head!’ The platoon began to fire their weapons at the giant, and the firefight lasted perhaps thirty seconds. The giant fell to the ground, essentially decapitated.

The soldier who had been impaled was still alive but in dire condition. One of the soldiers in the platoon radioed for a medivac and related what had just gone down. The chopper arrived, but it was too late—the soldier succumbed to his wounds. Later a large helicopter arrived, the platoon secured the body of the giant in a cargo net, and the giant was whisked away. The giant had six fingers and six toes on each hand and foot. He also had double rows of teeth. According to the shooter, the stench coming from the creature was so foul and nauseating that some of the men threw up. When the platoon returned to base and wrote out their reports, they were told to rewrite them and never talk about it again.

In our Watchers film series, we broke the Giant of Kandahar story. Since then, I have talked with corroborating witnesses. One of these is a man from special forces, who went to the same cave with a company of men and allegedly had a firefight with three of the remaining giants. They managed to kill one, but the other two dematerialized, disappeared. I realize this might sound incredible, but I have heard the same story from other witnesses. Just months ago, I interviewed a man whose grandmother lived in the Kandahar province and was a witch. She would bring live animals to the cave and leave them there as an offering to the giants to make sure they did not raid the village.”

For more information on L.A. Marzulli’s newest book, Rungs of Disclosure, visit

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