“You’ve Been Canceled”
Instead of standing firm on the foundation of Jesus Christ, many churches are cowering in a corner and bowing to the culture. Because of these “woke” churches, many Christians are leaving the body and joining the world. We were called to change the world, not let the world change us.
In John Ramirez’s article, “No Fear: Defeating the Work Church,” these woke churches are compared to “the ostrich…with its head in the sand, hoping the elephant will leave the room—but no one is pushing him out.” Additionally, he poses the question, “In this day and age when truth is called insanity, who will address the elephant in the room?” With the enemy warping truths into lies, even the elect is deceived (Matthew 24:24).
Dr. Colbert’s Spiritual Health Zone exposes one of the most important causes of the “Great Falling Away” that churches are experiencing: “Without being anchored to love, some disaffected Christians are turning to religions such as Islam, Hinduism, or Buddhism. George Barna’s research shows a startling growth of Islam in America from a footnote statistic a few decades ago to ‘a significant faith group’ today. ‘Right now, in America, it appears that the number of Muslims here outnumber how many Jews we have in America,’ he said.
There is also a rise in antisemitism in the world. Other Americans, especially millennials, are turning away from established religion altogether, with 43 percent saying they don’t believe or know if God exists. Barna describes their worldview as based on ‘the universal purpose of life of being happy and feeling good about oneself.’ They ‘reject biblical principles in favor of more worldly spiritual perspectives and practices.’
Jesus preached both the love of the Father and repentance, which means turning from our sins. Matthew 4:17 reads, ‘From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”’ Paul wrote in 1 Timothy 4:1–2 (AMP), ‘But the [Holy] Spirit explicitly and unmistakably declares that in later times some will turn away from the faith, paying attention instead to deceitful and seductive spirits and doctrines of demons, [misled] by the hypocrisy of liars whose consciences are seared as with a branding iron [leaving them incapable of ethical functioning].’
The woke church offers loveless versions of biblical principles such as justice, mercy, and love. But the only power they possess is of coercion with methods such as cancellation, threats of job loss, loss of friends, reputation, and so on. The tragedy is that woke Christianity is leading many sincere believers astray from the true faith. Jesus talked about such people in the parable of the soils. They receive the seed of His Word enthusiastically but fail to bear fruit because of the pleasures, riches, and cares of life. They become acquisitive rather than generous. They seek fun and money rather than righteousness. I believe the love of many Christians is being choked by things of this world—with the encouragement of so-called church ‘leaders.’ They ignore that 1 John 2:15 (KJV) says, ‘Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.’
We must be honest with ourselves and ask, How much has the ‘affirming’ quasi-gospel of woke Christianity affected and infected our own hearts? Probably more than we think. Ask yourself, Why is it that most Christians do not walk in more love, peace, or power? Where is our joy, gentleness, faith, patience, and other fruit of the Spirit? Why are so many believers anxious, depressed, greedy, and self-centered?
The obvious answer is that we have lost the love of God. When we love the pleasures, positions, and purposes of the world around us, we unplug from the life of God and grow unhealthy in our minds, souls, and bodies. His life within us is choked out. Today, many Christians resemble the description found in 2 Timothy 3:5 (KJV), ‘having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.’ For this reason, they are also unhealthy in mind and body.
This is why John warned soberly in 1 John 2:15–17, ‘Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.’
When we love the world, we put ourselves on the pathway to death because, as John put it, ‘the world is passing away.’ Before we proceed, take a moment to consider, What is your condition? What do you love most? What do you spend your time, money, and thoughts on? What are you looking forward to in life? Retirement? Your next vacation? Sports or entertainment events? Your next meal? These are all blessings, but they become idols when they take the top spots in our affections. They easily become the pleasures of the world Jesus warned about.
If Jesus is Lord of your life, He will have something to say about the movies or TV shows you watch, the friends you fellowship with, and every word that proceeds out of your mouth.
If He is Lord of your life, He will have something to say about where you go online, what apps you use, and the comments and posts you make on social media.
If He is Lord of your life, He will have something to say about your finances—how you make your money, how you spend your money, and where you give your money.
If He is Lord of your life, He will have something to say about what you eat and how you take care of your body.
If He is Lord of your life, He will have something to say about who you date and who you marry, how you treat your spouse, and how you raise your children.
If He is Lord of your life, He will have something to say about the atmosphere of your home, the music you listen to, the words you speak, and the way you steward your own emotions.
If He is Lord of your life, He wants to rule over every area of your life.”
For more information on Don Colbert, MD’s newest book, Dr. Colbert’s Spiritual Health Zone, visit Mycharismashop.com