Seek His Face, Not His Hands
Often, we allow the hands of God, instead of His face, to become our focal point. We seek His hands instead of trying to get to know and fellowship with Him. We’re always trying to get something from Him. We...
Often, we allow the hands of God, instead of His face, to become our focal point. We seek His hands instead of trying to get to know and fellowship with Him. We’re always trying to get something from Him. We...
If you did not know, the word salvation appears over 160 times in the Bible, hope appears more than 120 times in the King James Version of the Bible, faith is used 247 times, and trust 134 times. You would...
Waiting on God has become a lost art. Why? Because we live in a microwave generation, an age of instant gratification. We want everything right now. But God is not focused on doing things quickly. When it comes to prayer,...
Words are powerful. They have the power to destroy or create. Complaining is very dangerous. The first thing that it starts to kill is the person it’s coming from, and then everyone else. So, how should we be conducting ourselves...
What do you do when your pain feels more overwhelming than your faith? What do you do when what you prayed for doesn’t just go unanswered but the unthinkable happens? What happens when you see others receive God’s breakthrough and...
No matter the season or reason, the truth of God will be spread and heard across the globe! Many Christians submerge their voices in fear of cancellation, but we are called by Christ to speak up and stand out, not...
The young man was from the Ural mountain area of Russia, and a few years earlier he and some of his Christian friends from other parts of Russia had traveled to attend a Swedish youth conference where I preached about...
Because I was raised in an Islamic household, my perspective of God was warped. I believed God was mean and distant. In other words, I believed He was too busy to deal with my first-world problems, and if I were...
Johanna smiled as she walked down the pedestrian street that forms the center of her town. The air felt fresh, and so did her sixteen-year-old heart. She and two friends had just attended a youth conference and felt God challenge...